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Now Booking Field Trips!

SuperUser Account 0 4877

Now Booking Field Trips!The Children's Museum of St. Tammany is now booking field trips designed for preschool through 4th grade. All field trips must consist of at least 15 students and a maximum of 60 children for each session. Field trips are available on Tuesday or Thursday at 10:00am. The cost is $6/person that enters the museum (Excluding Class Teachers). Each field trip will begin with an instructional discussion with the children followed by play and exploration. We can also schedule your lunch time at the Kids Konnection Playground next door directly following your exploration time.

Please complete this online form to request your date!

Children's Museum of St. Tammany announces grand opening weekend January 20-21, 2018

SuperUser Account 0 4881

MANDEVILLE, LA (January 15, 2018) — After more than a decade of planning, the long-awaited Children’s Museum of St. Tammany (CMST) will open its doors on Saturday, January 20 at its brand-new interim location at the Koop Drive Trailhead. The public can now purchase timed admission tickets for entry beginning on Saturday 1/20 from 1-3, 3-5 and on Sunday 1/21 at 11-1, 1-3, and 3-5. Tickets are limited to preserve the guest experience and must be purchased in advance at cmstkids.org. Regular business hours and admission will begin on Tuesday 1/22.

“This opening is the culmination of years of dedication by committed volunteers,” said CMST Executive Director Amy Fresh. “Their efforts and the support of our sponsors and community partners who have remained steadfast in their commitment to this project are the ones who have made this gift to the community possible. I am excited to see the result of this effort and am honored to have the charge of leading CMST into its future.”