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Astro Camp 2021 at the Children's Museum of St. Tammany
Gillian Rabalais
/ Categories: What's Happening

Astro Camp 2021 at the Children's Museum of St. Tammany

Registration is OPEN!

We Go! 

Finding our Place in Space with NASA Science!

We are excited to bring Astro Camp® to the Children's Museum of St. Tammany again for the 5th year! Our camp staff is trained directly with NASA Astro Camp® Education Specialists to offer our campers advanced curriculum and activities where they will train like astronauts, be immersed in STEM education, and spark camper’s interest in learning the basics of engineering, rocketry, robotics, and supporting the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) alignments while having fun. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER YOUR RISING 1st-4th GRADER!
Register for 1 or more weeks during each session to receive a discount. There will be different camp activities planned for each week of a session. Each session will repeat the activities.
For instance, Session 1 - Week 2, Session 2 - Week 2, and Session 3 - Week 2 will contain the same activities for each session.
Session 1 - Week 1 - June 1-4, 2021
Session 1 - Week 2 - June 7-11, 2021 - Closed for Registrations
Session 1 - Week 3 - June 14-18, 2021
Session 2 - Week 1 - June 21-25, 2021 - Closed for Registrations
Session 2 - Week 2 - June 28-July 2, 2021 - Closed for Registrations
Session 2 - Week 3 - July 5-9, 2021
Session 3 - Week 1 - July 12-16, 2021 - Closed for Registrations
Session 3 - Week 2 - July 19-23, 2021 - Closed for Registrations
Session 3 - Week 3 - July 26-30, 2021
Registration for ONE WEEK per camper - $250
Registration for TWO WEEKS per camper - $475
Registration for THREE WEEKS per camper - $675
As we continue to navigate the camp guidelines provided by the CDC, Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE), State of Louisiana Office of Public Health, St. Tammany Parish Government, and the American Camp Association, we want to assure you of all of our camps will be held within the standards of these new guidelines.
We would like to share with you what you can expect from us at the Children’s Museum of St. Tammany and the measures we are taking steps to provide a safe and healthy camp experience for your children and our staff.
These actions are as follows, but are not limited to:
Carline Drop-off and Pick-up Daily Procedures:
  • Parents and/or guardians will utilize our carline for daily drop-off and pick-up from camp. There will be a staff member to greet your child as they exit the vehicle. We ask that all passengers, including the driver, remain in the car during drop-off
  • At the conclusion of check-in, they will be escorted to one of our sanitation stations to wash their hands or use the provided hand sanitizer before beginning any activity. Hand washing will be required throughout the day for both campers and staff.
  • At the end of the day, campers will be escorted by a staff member to their vehicle. We ask that all passengers, including the driver, remain in the car during pick-up.
  • The morning carline begins at 8:45AM. The afternoon carline begins at 3:00PM. 
Healthy and Safe Environment:
  • Each week, our camp sessions will be divided into small groups and social distancing will be practiced to the best of our ability.
  • Classes will utilize our large, covered, outdoor spaces as often as possible.
  • Campers and staff will take frequent restroom breaks and trips to our sanitation stations to wash hands.
  • Staff will conduct whole gallery cleanings frequently during the course of the day and at the end of each day. This will include but is not limited to, the cleaning of all learning/activity areas, shared activity supplies, tables, chairs, sinks and faucets, and restrooms.
  • We will suspend any large gatherings and any activities that require more than the allotted number of people per group.
Camper and Staff Health:
  • Campers and staff that have a fever of 100.4° or above, or other signs of illness, will not be admitted to the Museum.
  • Should a camper begin to show signs of illness that include, but are not limited to, a fever of 100.4° or above, running nose, or cough, a parent or guardian will be immediately notified and the camper will be isolated with a staff member until a parent or guardian arrives to pick up the child. Parents and/or guardians are expected to immediately pick up their child if notified.
  • Should a staff member begin to show signs of illness that include, but are not limited to, a fever of 100.4° or above, running nose, or cough, at any time during camp, they will leave the facility immediately.
Should this camp be canceled due to COVID-19, you will receive a refund of your tuition. Your tuition can also be transferred to a Museum Membership, Museum gift card, or applied to another camp session hosted by the Children's Museum. All participants will be notified of any changes, or cancellations, made to the scheduling of camps as soon as possible. The Children’s Museum of St. Tammany reserves the right to modify any policies and/or procedures based on any local, state, or federal mandates regarding COVID-19.
We are looking forward to a safe and fun camp for your children and our staff.
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