Upcoming Events

CMST Kid Krewe Parade King and Queen Nominations (members only)

Members nominate your little CMST King or Queen

Author: Marlo Christensen/Saturday, January 6, 2024/Categories: About Slider, Upcoming Events, What's Happening

Event date: 1/6/2024 12:00 AM - 1/31/2024 11:59 PM Export event


Attention CMST Members!

 Nominatie your little King or Queen
 for the CMST Kids Krewe Parade!
 Enter by January 31st, CMST King and Queen of 2024
  • Rules:
  •  Be a listed name on an active Museum Membership
  •  Under the age of 12 years old
  • CMST King and Queen will be anounce at 11am, February 1st!
 Nominate Your CMST King or Queen CLICK HERE

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